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My Blog

June 19, 2022

Father’s Day can be a challenging day for so many. There can often be sorrow, loneliness, and disappointment; it can be bitter because it has the potential to be very sweet. I pray that no matter how this day feels, it will point you to your heavenly Father.

The Joy and Sorrow of Father’s Day

June 3, 2022

James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” I believe that any good gift apart from salvation is seasonal, and if we try to hold onto it out of season, it will turn bitter.

Good Gifts in Season

March 3, 2022

We have made some big announcements in the last two years. Announcements that have been life-changing for our family and have marked our community. The death of a daughter and another daughter’s birth have taken their place as the most pivotal moments in our lives over the last two years. Many of you have walked […]

Oh, For Grace to Trust Him More

July 18, 2021

Dear Faithful Preschool Volunteer (or soon to be volunteer),You come every Sunday; sanitizing toys, updating phone numbers of parents, sing Jesus Loves Me, rock a crying baby, change diapers or help the potty training child. Your service can be thankless and far less glamorous than the Sunday School teacher who leads a class full of […]

Jane Loved Church, An Open Letter to Church Preschool Volunteers

June 16, 2021

“So what are you hoping has changed since this time last year? What differences do you want in your life?” They were thoughtful questions from my dearest friend who is truly gifted in asking questions and even better at genuinely listening to answers. I knew the answer but struggled to articulate it. “I don’t want […]

I Want Less

March 19, 2021

“Are these all your kids?” When out in public with my children, it’s a question I hear frequently. It’s a question that possibly has two different meanings. It usually means, “are you the mother of the children present?” The answer is yes. It sometimes means, “Do you have four children?” The answer is no and […]

An Answer Prepared

November 16, 2020

I rounded the corner quickly, hurrying to get to Sunday school class on time. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed her, a friend, a surrogate mother and grandmother. Her back was facing me and she was about to go into the worship service. It occurred to me that though I had seen […]

Help To Carry

November 3, 2020

I’m a Georgia voter, but I don’t belong here. That was the thought I had when I left the polls early this morning. Election years and political seasons stir up so much stress and unrest in my own heart. I hate the fighting. I hate injustice. I hate “choosing the lesser evil”. I hate the […]

Not My Home

October 19, 2020

Ever feel completely perplexed by seemingly small situations? No? Just me? Three days ago, I sat in a room I frequented often last fall. It was once, “The Imagination Station” (or something like that) at our local library. It was full of play kitchens, puppet show booths and toys. My children loved it. After, many […]

Finding the Way in a Storm

September 28, 2020

Few people realize or know that before my career in motherhood I had a very brief career as a Registered Nurse. School wasn’t my favorite, but I knew it was a means to the end. The end being a career that would achieve financial independence. So in high school, when choosing a future vocation and […]

Recognizing the Miracle

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