The importance of our story is less about the narrative and much more about the author.
Who am I and why does my story matter? In a traditional sense, there is nothing special about me or my family. My name is Casey and I grew up in the loveliest village on the plains in Alabama. I met my husband, Robert, in 2009 and we got married in 2010. We started our married life in South Carolina and moved to Georgia in 2014. We had our first child in 2012 and had an additional child nearly every two years after. This brought us to a grand total of four children in September of 2017. I’m a stay at home wife and mother. Robert is a family physician. We live a quiet and simple life. I’m thankful for this.
The importance of our story is less about the narrative and much more about the author. Our story is a story being written by Jesus. We are a family that loves God and His Word. Though we are far from perfect, we hope to be empty vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, ready to do His will.
On February 24, 2020 our fourth child, Jane, unexpectedly passed away. She was just shy of two and a half years old. Jane was healthy, beautiful and full of life. The loss was a shock and horrible tragedy for our family, but we know that God was not surprised. Psalm 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” We know that Jane’s days were ordained by God and that she is now in the presence of her Creator and Savior. We do not mourn on behalf of Jane, but instead for our own loss.
Jane’s name means God is gracious. Truer words could not be spoken about Jane or her life. God has done nothing but show us grace and faithfulness. As if the gospel of Christ were not enough, He continues to lavish His love on us, even in the midst of great heartache. We are walking a road we did not anticipate, but we know that “You (God) hem me in-behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” Psalm 139:5-6
God is good and God is faithful. Our hope is not wishful, but firm and solid. It’s our prayer and desire that others will know and experience the hope of Christ. A firm hope, that only He can give. We do not want to be selfish with our grief or our joy. Because our story is being written by God alone, we desire our testimony be shared with others. May our lives point others to the One True God.
Praying for you and your family! God less you all!♥️♥️